Rohit Sharma’s childhood coach Dinesh Lad has high hopes from his student for the upcoming 50-over ICC cricket world cup 2023 in India. In a recent chat show, he said that Rohit must play upcoming showpiece event in a way that everyone must be proud of him and India wins world cup.
Indian cricket team were semi-finalists in the last two fifty over world cups played in Australia/New Zealand (2015) and England (2019). Rohit was recently achieved the India’s highest sporting award Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award.
“Getting the Khel Ratna is a great achievement. I should not say this but if a poor boy has talent and he justifies it and has luck, then that boy can reach the sky and a living example of it is Rohit Sharma,” Lad said on Marathi cricket chat show Coffee Cricket Ani Barech Kahi.
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“All that he has earned due to his hard work and talent. My expectation is that the forthcoming 50-over World Cup, Rohit should win it for India on his own ability,” he said.
Rohit was the leading run scorer in 2019 world cup with 648 runs at an average of 81. Indian team will be playing 2021 and 2022 t20 world cups ahead of mega 2023 50-over event. So three cricket world cups in a row for Rohit and Men In Blue to make most out of them.